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Provides easy-to-learn, effective workflows


Altair HyperWorks offers intuitive workflows leveraging domain knowledge for efficient development of complex, connected products. It enables seamless multi-physics modeling, design optimization, and simulation across various domains with solution-specific workflows. The platform provides robust direct modeling, meshing, and assembly management capabilities for rapid design iterations and product variants evaluation.


What is Altair HyperWorks?

Altair HyperWorks provides easy-to-learn, effective workflows that leverage domain knowledge and increase team productivity, enabling the efficient development of today’s increasingly complex and connected products.

The new HyperWorks experience was created to free engineers to move from physics to physics, domain to domain, and even create reports without ever leaving their model. Create, explore and optimize designs within HyperWorks to produce robust designs that accurately model structures, mechanisms, fluids, electromagnetics, electrical, embedded software, systems design and manufacturing processes.

The solution specific workflows enhance a growing number of engineering processes including fatigue analysis, concept design optimization, CFD modeling, and design exploration. Each provides a meticulously designed and intuitive user interface, differentiated for each user profile, while remaining consistent and easy-to-learn.

Intuitive direct modeling for geometry creation and editing, mid-surface extraction, surface and midmeshing, and mesh quality correction, combined with efficient assembly management provide all the capabilities required for fast, accurate model creation and evaluation of design alternatives and product variants in less time.




Wave Propagation and Radio Network Planning Simulation with WinProp

The rapid growth of mobile and wireless communications has significantly increased the need for propagation modelling and network planning simulation.

WinProp, added a few months ago to Altair HyperWorks, is a complete suite of simulation tools in the domain of wireless propagation and radio network planning that has a broad range of commercial and academic customers globally. It covers applications ranging from satellite to terrestrial, from rural via urban, to indoor radio links and is based on a set of innovative wave propagation models which combine accuracy with short computation times.

This webinar will introduce how WinProp fits into the electromagnetic simulation offering of HyperWorks, including the future plans in connection with FEKO.

We will also give an overview of the features, applications and real-use cases where WinProp is used within multiple industries, including automotive and railway. You can also look forward to live demonstrations of urban and indoor cases of radio coverage planning.



Electric Vehicle Lab

  • Delivering Electric Vehicle Lab to the masses is not only a huge investment, but a significant operational undertaking. As OEMs, suppliers and emerging vehicle manufacturers invest billions to develop innovative electric vehicles, and optimize development and production processes, they are looking for a strategic partner to help realize their vision. Altair technologies are changing the way electric passenger, off-highway and autonomous vehicles are designed, enabling them to accelerate product development, enhance energy efficiency, and optimize integrated system performance.


Scaling e-Mobility from niche to mass-market

As OEMs begin to create battery-electric vehicles (BEV) for their mainstream customers to address issues like range, drivetrain efficiency and charging times, design becomes an even more vital component of the development process. This requires fast exploration of higher system voltages, innovative cooling implementations and the ongoing race to reduce vehicle weight.


Bringing the power of cloud bursting to boost vehicle development programs

On-demand, high-performance computing (HPC) presents the opportunity to securely scale simulation capabilities during peak demand, satisfying the need for detailed multi-disciplinary optimization studies on multiple programs to reduce development costs and risk.

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